Friday, October 3, 2008

2nd day of Raya

well this is our ampauu for this yearr up to the 2nd day alum g sbulan tuu, hohoho abangg you jangan jealous! tapi tapi ani baru syuhadah's balum g yg lbih umur hooho xD. Abg ma didi punya ada babah smpann but ara baby sama apo punya sarung surat wawawawa!

2nd day - we have open house one whole day mkn soto spicil. Today is Babah's side family and Uncle Ah chung and family was the first one to come. MANTAAPP! haha jam x drng bwt 10 buahh kritaa bah tuu and it is so obvious mcm ton lapas juaa =.=' .

2nd family coming was Uncle Khalidin and family.

next was my nini and her kuncu2 from kampung. And durang2 angkut2 mija bilik tamu tuk bgmbar supaya smua msuk lm gmbr. Balik2 lagi tuu HAHA! kami ekut jua bgmbar :D

Deee ani kawan muu. *nda ko lyn durang tadi!* . This is Nini Asut's family.

n lastly nini adang's family

this cerita is up to pkul 4 ptg saja, malam pun bnyk urg dtg and it will be updated tomorrow. Bh i'm off now xD

1 comment:

digital said...

Nice blog.
Beautiful pictures.
Happy holiday.

Please visit:

Good luck